When your oldest child turns "30" thats when you really feel old. Happy belated birthday Erica who turned 30 on July 29th. I have wanted to do this post for a long time but life has a way of getting in the way as you can tell by the several months that have gone by without of word from me.
This is my favorite picture of Erica. She was 6 in this picture(my favorite one)
Erica I love you so much. You have given your dad and I 4 of the most beautiful grandkids that anyone on this earth could ask for.
This is the very best time of life. I love being a grandmother almost as much as I love being a wife to my wonderful husband.
Erica was an easy child to raise in all the best ways. There will always be something special about your first child. I had no idea that labor was so painful (back in the day of natural no epideral) and hard. But there is something about the first time you hold that precious new baby in your arms for the first time that no other feeling can quite compare to. You hear about how much you will love your children but until that moment you really dont know. I am so proud of the person Erica is and the wonderful mother she is.