Monday, September 29, 2008

What brings me joy!!

I love spend the nights with my grandkids. McKenna wanted to start a "McKenna and Gammy spend-the-night scrapbook, so thats what we did. I picked here up from dance on Friday and we went to the scrapbook store and bought some fun things for our book. We ate pizza then had a blast decorating the outside and a few pages inside the scrapbook. I can't believe she is almost 7. Time seems to go by so quickly. I have so many things to be grateful for.

*I'm so grateful for my husband. He is a man of great integrity and love

*My own children. What I wouldn't do for my wonderful kids

* 5 CUTEST! grandchildren. just look at Erica's and Lindsie's blog

*The Gospel of Jesus Christ. I get great peace from this
* I'm so grateful for a temple that is ten minutes from my house

Monday, September 15, 2008

dog surgery and Tanner's spend the night

Tanner spent the night on Friday. Also we had a storm and this beautiful tree by our pool fell down. I was showing Tanner. So sad!!! but how cute is Tanner???

McKenna with Zoe. How cute is this. I have had it on my end table for years. This is one of two stones that were in my 8 pound shi-tzu named Zoe. She was very sick and was having bloody urine and peeing in the house. I finally took her to the vet and they said she would die if she didnt have surgery. My kids love her and I do too, but I could not afford it. My grandkids love her even more (great so how would I explain putting her to sleep?) Well she had the surgery (thanks to a good friend of mine) and now she is great. We got her when McKenna was about 1 or so.